Apparently, I have Adult ADHD

Science Fiction Writer

Apparently, I have Adult ADHD

Self Diagnosed

Just did a test here and got 97%

Did another one here and got ‘high likelihood of ADHD’

Actually, I did these last year and thought I’d double check. Yep, scores haven’t changed. Damn!

So, are there many writers with Adult ADHD? Apart from those writers writing books on ADHD? You bet. Quick list here

Science Fiction Writers with Adult ADHD

Are there many who write science fiction?

Jules Verne is believed to have had ADHD (ref), as has Cory Doctorow (ref), to name but two. (Actually, my Adult ADHD kicked in and I just couldn’t keep searching. Google results were disappointing.)

I’m sure there are others that either haven’t been diagnosed, or like myself, not have the funds to go and pay for an official diagnosis.

Starving artists abound.


When you’ve got it yourself, you can usually spot another person with Adult ADHD. Sometimes, when I’m with a non-ADHD who speaks at a much slower pace, I tend to finish their sentences for them. Occasionally, with someone with ADHD, the conversation doesn’t even get started. We might just use some nods, facial expressions, then move on. Not telepathy, just predicting what the other is thinking in that situation, and working out the ending to the conversation quickly.

It’s definitely a LOL moment.

In my 30s, my Adult ADHD didn’t really get in the way. But now, in my 40s, it’s starting to make life harder and more frustrating. You think school was frustrating, wait til you start hanging out with old people! Most of my friends are in their 20s and 30s with a scant few in their 40s, purely because those in their 40s have already started slowing down. I’m 46 and still partying, drinking, and going to night clubs when I can afford it. Occasionally, I’ll run into another ADHDer in their 50s and we’ll have a pantomath conversation, then forget each other. Most non-ADHD people my age seem to want to discuss renovations, property prices, stock market or sport.

There are a lot of ADHDers at sci-fi cons and comic cons. I get surrounded by ADHD girls in their 20s at these things as I’m older, safer (got that shy conservative look going) but kind of on their level. They enjoy being able to jump from subject to subject every third sentence and have someone follow them, and the conversation never gets boring. I learn a lot and can usually give them some coping advice too. Win win. (Yeah, most of my friends are female.)

Was on a train from Melbourne to Sydney awhile ago (listening to videos while typing a story and checking the news on my netbook and PC) when I overheard a guy strike up a conversation with the girl next to him. He jumped from story to story about his life for 3 hours and she politely listened. I didn’t think much of it at the beginning. Just another talkative guy. Then he mentioned something about forgetting to take his ADHD meds, and I rolled my eyes.

My god, we’re everywhere!

Out of the Adult ADHD closet

So, in 46 years, this is the first time I’ve publicly announced this information. You know, might as well get it out there. Never taken anything for it besides black coffee in the morning and a glass or two of wine at night to help me focus. And I found that doing things that keep your dopamine levels up are sometimes all you need. (Today’s food tends to flat line dopamine levels in ADHD people, so check out foods that can increase dopamine, if you’ve got ADHD, here )

Oh, and I found this link to 11 Advantages of having ADHD as a writer. I agree with all 11. If you’re a writer, and identify with this list, you might have ADHD too! Welcome to the club.

I love some of the stuff by Cory Doctorow – Check out Overclocked. If you know of any science fiction writers who have talked about their ADHD, please list them in the comments below and I’ll go and check out their work.

If you, or someone you know, might need help with ADHD, check out this site: Consequences of ADHD