Alien Dimensions is a science fiction short stories anthology series featuring amazing authors from around the world.
Previous issues have featured stories about extraterrestrials, clones, robots and androids, invasion and colonization, cyberpunk and space opera, first contact, genetic manipulation, starship exploration, time travel and more.
From seriousness to humorous, high octane to slow burn, from back-story heavy to present tense dialogue-driven adventures, Alien Dimensions explores the far future.
Enjoy a much more alien experience with Alien Dimensions.
In Alien Dimensions #17:
Space Case by Tom Howard
Sky Tears by Mike Adamson
Tomorrow’s Children by James Armer
Pests by Francis W. Alexander
Mothermind by Robert Walton
Guardians of the Treasure by Gustavo Bondoni
Strange Lands by Neil A. Hogan
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