Hoganthology, Alien Dimensions #19, and The Robots of Atlantis

Well, it’s been a busy few months. Quite a lot of writing and reading is involved in the creative writing degree I began this year, and that means not much time to work on anything else.

Having said that, I will get a break from the course between November and February, so I’ve set that time aside to begin work on Alien Dimensions #19 and The Robots of Atlantis.

Though, one of the things that I really want to do with Alien Dimensions is make sure that writers who contribute get something back. This is currently US$10 for a story for the rights for 2 years. It may not seem like much, but on a writer’s income, it’s no longer possible for me to pay that in advance and hope that I get it back through sales of the book.

So, instead, I’m trying something new. I’d like to raise some funds for the next issue of Alien Dimensions, so I’ve put many of my science fiction and fantasy stories into one volume called Hoganthology (the title is a homage to Piers Anthony’s ‘Anthonology’) There are over 47 pieces in Hoganthology. If printed, it would run to about 800 pages in a 5″x8″ book, but it is currently listed on Amazon as having about 600 in ebook form (depending on your device.)

In Hoganthology you’ll find the following:

Section 1 – Short Stories

A Little Matter
The Opposition
Gravity Locked
Still in Beta
Ancient Alien Dinosaurs
Japanese Martian Robot Souls
Oh My God It’s Full of Stars
Alien UFO Disclosure
Pyramids of the Moon
The Hydrofluorons of Krakon 7
Phases of the Moon Base
Surviving Mars
First Interdimensional Contact
Time Sheets
Robot Solitude
Work After Death
Neko Girl
The Galaxy’s Driving Force
The Old Boys’ Club
Cosmic Joke
The Manipulator
Strange Lands
Life Choices
Moon Mine
The Secret of Bimini
Tutor Who: Heaven Cent

Section 2 – Flash Fiction

Child Safe
Pocket Monsters
The Language Tutor
The Exchange
The Ugly Side of A.I.

Section 3 – Children’s Fiction

Alien Alexander – Alien Characters #55
Alien Hannah – Alien Characters #57
Alien Christopher – Alien Characters #60
Alien Alexis – Alien Characters #61
Alien Joseph – Alien Characters #62
Alien Daniel – Alien Characters #64
Alien Saya – Alien Characters #80

Section 4 – Space Opera Poetry

We’ve Been Wordsworthed, We’ve Been Poeed, and We’ve Been Quite Possibly Frosted
An Ode to Space Opera

Bonus Section – Excerpts

Alien Frequency – Chapter 3
The Andromeda Effect – Chapter 61
Temporal Incursion – Chapter 5
Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Cretaceous City – Dinory 1
Ida and the Planet Invasion – 2: Arrival
Gabriel and the Resurrection of Maldek – 3: 10:00am
Tiara and the Comet Apocalypse – Channel One

Bonus Section – The Future

The Robots of Atlantis (Preview) – Wednesday 22nd October 2053
Stellar Flash 2135 A.D.
-Plot Synopsis
-Notes on Location
-Character Biographies
-Extract 1
-Extract 2
-Some lines I’m working on

And more!

So, if you can spare some dollars, or you’re on Kindle Unlimited, it would be great if you could check it out. Find out more here: Hoganthology: Digital

The hope is that sales and page views can raise about US$200 to get started on Alien Dimensions #19. If you know of anyone who might be interested in this ebook, feel free to forward the link or this blog post to them.

Many thanks

Update. Working on the printed version now. 824 pages for US$32.95! Coming Soon!

A Little Matter by Neil A. Hogan. Science Fiction Weekly #20. Short Reads Series

A Little Matter by Neil A. Hogan

Science Fiction Weekly #20

Digital Format Available

When Julie sees the Guider striding towards her, she knows something is up.

And when he invites her to a safe house to reveal that he had already known about her discovery, long before she had made it, she soon discovers that all is not as it seems.

With the dark matter having left the Oort Cloud, and now heading towards the inner Solar System, it is up to Julie to decide what to do next.

But she has absolutely no idea what that could be.

Could this mean the end of the human race?

A Little Matter is #20 in the Science Fiction Weekly short reads series. A short story of approximately 4600 words.