Sci Fi News Bytes 7 is now available. News on Way Station, Resident Alien, Battlestar Galactica 2020, War of the Worlds, Lost in Space, and more.
Sci Fi News Bytes 6 is now available
Featuring news on Doctor Who, Across the Void, Liu Cixin, Battle for the Planets and more.
Sci Fi News Bytes 5
News on the sci fi comedy Avenue 5, movies Distant, Space Invaders, Riddick 4, and more
Sci Fi News Bytes 4
News about The Matrix 4, the Asimov: Foundation series, trailers for the Mandalorian and Ad Astra and more.
Sci Fi News Bytes 3 is now available
A bit shorter this time, as I guess I made 1 and 2 too long. Live and learn. Still, a few interesting pieces of news that have flown under the radar. Check it out here: Sci Fi News Bytes 3
Sci Fi News Bytes – New Science Fiction Newsletter from Maldek House

Well, I’ve taken a break from writing to concentrate on… writing – for my creative writing degree. Unfortunately, space opera science fiction doesn’t really fit into the non-fiction area of the assessments, nor does it fit the popular cinema course focused on Hollywood teen movies, or even the television studies stream that explores contemporary culture.
It’s difficult to focus on writing science fiction when everything else is pulling you back into the real world, so instead, I’ve gone back to something I used to do in the 90s. Write about the latest on Science Fiction TV releases. (Reporting in the real world on science fiction – you see what I did there!) We’ve entered the new golden age of science fiction TV with so many new shows being made and streamed through Netflix, Amazon and others, that it is the perfect time to start reporting on the golden sci fi year of 2020.
But online news services haven’t been quick to ‘nicheify’ their offerings, prefering to lump together anything remotely connected to science fiction and fantasy. As I’m only interested in stories set in space, preferably with aliens, I regularly find trying to read through these newsletters frustrating. Especially if the newsletter has a standard heading that says ‘latest science fiction news’ only to have just fantasy news below it.
And so, I’ve created Sci Fi News Bytes. A new weekly run down on Space Operas / Space Dramas. If it has aliens, spaceships, is set in the future, and much of the series is spent in space, then it’ll probably get a mention.
Oh, and it’s free!
Check out issue 2 online here:
One more thing. If you haven’t seen it already, I strongly recommend you check out Another Life. While there are a few naff scenes, and the cutaways to Earth don’t seem to add much to the story, thankfully they’re few and far between. The space story line is awesome and takes up most of the screen time. And it’s got Katee Sackoff and Samuel Anderson! Official Netflix site here: Another Life