The Florans Are Here!
In August I released The Andromeda Effect. Book Two in the Stellar Flash series. You can find out more at the link. One of the story lines explored the Floran race, a race of intelligent plants that made use of biomechanoid plant appliances. The metallic plants would scuttle about, or sit still and be holographic screens or monitors using gases to generate images.
While we have poked a few electrodes into plants over the years to use their electricity, I never thought we were even close to getting a biomechanoid plant.
But, one already exists!
Check out this article on Gizmodo:
Cyborg Houseplant Can Drive Itself Toward the Light It Craves
And here’s the video. How awesome!
I for one, welcome our new Floran overlords. As long as they don’t plan to mulch us.