Work After Death. Science Fiction Weekly #18 Short Reads Series by Neil A. Hogan

Work After Death. Science Fiction Weekly #18 Short Reads Series

Available in digital format

Maisee has a plan to disrupt the zomboid working tradition in the tea plantations of the South, and enlists her dead husband to help. She wants the townsfolk to believe that selling their dead relatives to be reanimated as workers in the picking industry is a really bad idea.

But there is a bigger underlying plan that Maisee is unaware of.

Can she escape an A.I. that is always one step ahead?

Work After Death is #18 in the Science Fiction Weekly short reads series. A short story of approximately 5300 words.

Still in Beta. Science Fiction Weekly Short Story #17: Short Reads Series

Still in Beta. Science Fiction Weekly Short Story #17: Short Reads Series

Available in digital format and via Kindle Unlimited

While experimenting on himself to raise his brain waves frequencies to see the areas of reality that a normal human cannot perceive, a scientist discovers something completely unexpected.

Something that could affect the entire human race now and forever.

‘Still in Beta’ is #17 in the Science Fiction Weekly Short Reads Series. A short science fiction story of about 5500 words

Oh My God. It’s Full of Stars. By Neil A. Hogan. Science Fiction Weekly Short Story #16

Oh My God. It’s Full of Stars. By Neil A. Hogan. Science Fiction Weekly Short Story #16

Available from Amazon: Oh My God. It’s Full of Stars.

When Captain Dhead’s ship appears near a black hole binary system, his alien first officer Khyrks eagerly tells him that there is treasure in a tear in space-time, right in the center.

Slightly uneasy at being in such a dangerous part of space, Dhead sends a drone into the tear to investigate.

And finds something incredible.

‘Oh My God. It’s Full of Stars’ is #16 in the Science Fiction Weekly Series. A short reads story of about 4200 words.

Alien UFO Disclosure: Science Fiction Weekly Short Story #15: Short Reads Series

Alien UFO Disclosure: Science Fiction Weekly Short Story #15: Short Reads Series

Available in Digital Format

When Kamryn Jones’ houseboat is destroyed by a black drone, she is contacted by a mysterious woman who sends her across the country to locate evidence of a UFO. Determined to uncover the truth, she follows the trail.

But what she finds is a lot more disturbing that she would ever have expected.

And how is the President of Australia involved in all this?

Alien UFO Disclosure is #15 in the Science Fiction Weekly Series. A short story of approximately 7700 words.

The Hydrofluorons of Krakon 7

The Hydrofluorons of Krakon 7

Available in Digital Format from Amazon

When a wormhole to another dimension opens up for Dravo, he is surprised to find highly advanced aliens on the other side eager for tourism.

But just being in the same room as them could kill a human being within an hour.

Can Dravo convince the Space Council that trade is still possible?

Find out more in The Hydrofluorons of Krakon 7. #14 in the Science Fiction Weekly series. A short story of about 5200 words.

Science Fiction Weekly is Back!

Science Fiction Weekly is Back!

Yes, great news! A new series of Science Fiction weekly has begun. I’ve created some new stories, and rewritten some recent stories to be released on a weekly basis from this week!

Stories 1-13 were released last year, and I’ll release stories 14-26 this year.

The first story in the new series is out – #14 The Hydrofluorons of Krakon 7, with #15 Alien UFO Disclosure to follow next Tuesday.

I’ll post each time a new one becomes available.

Many thanks for reading!

When Parallel Realities Become Mainstream

When Parallel Realities Become Mainstream

Parallel Realities and Alternate Worlds

One of the things in science fiction that has fascinated me for a long time is the concept of parallel realities. Until recently, it has just been a fictional idea, perhaps one where all our alternate selves are evil and have goatees. Yes, even the women.

Stephen Hawking and Thomas Hertog

Now, however, Stephen Hawking and Thomas Hertog have been able to prove with mathematics that there are, indeed, multiple universes. They were even able to indicate ways we can build research stations in space to be able to detect them.

The late Stephen Hawking had also theorized that black holes could be a place that easily connects you to an alternate reality. However, being crushed to the size of atoms, and having just the record of me pop out the other side, doesn’t sound so enticing.

Portals to Other Dimensions

Ancient Alien theorists suggest these doorways to alternate realities are everywhere, and all we need is the right frequency to access them. No massive black holes required.

Sounds good to me.

And, in esoteric circles, there is a belief that each Planck second is static, and that it is only our consciousness, passing through billions of these static parallel worlds a second, that makes reality look like it’s moving. So, we’re already in a parallel reality, and again, and again.

Sounds even better!

It looks like accepting parallel realities as fact is a bold new change to our perception of the world. I, for one, welcome our new alternate reality friends.

But, where will this lead? Will I be able to say ‘Sorry, I haven’t had time to read your book yet, but my other me has, and he thought it was great!’? That would save a lot of embarrassment at parties!

Alien Characters

Awhile ago, I released a series called Alien Characters, (friendly aliens for children) Two of the books had alternate realities as the main theme.

In Alien Rex, Alien Rex takes people on tours to alternate realities in their street, but runs into a consortium of Alien Rexes across space / time (at the local mall) that want to prevent him from taking all their customers.

In Alien Jack, Alien Jack needs Alien Rex’s help to find out why there is such a terrible radiation leak that seems to be coming from nowhere. Alien Rex discovers it is a radiation leak across multiple realities bleeding into this one, and takes Alien Jack through several parallel world doorways, with the leak getting stronger, until they find… 😉

Science Fiction Weekly

And, one of my most popular short stories, (based on reader traffic on various sites) is Interrelations. I’ve put it on this site for you to enjoy for free. Or, you can get one for your ebook here for about US0.99 Science Fiction Weekly #6 Interrelations

In it, Cindi is a trade negotiator, and swaps bodies with another version of herself to complete a trade with another version of herself. However, she finds that her alternate self doesn’t treat her body as well as she would have liked while she’s not using it, and that her boss is deliberately sending trade girls to different realities to swap with particular versions of themselves who are already having a relationship with the boss in that world. She’s also approached by a dayer, who needs her help to find out why there is an ongoing destruction of multiple Earths, with hers being next. After that, it gets complicated!

If you have a moment, please read Interrelations and let me know if there are any other books out there that similarly deals with the complexity of multiple realities. But if you don’t have time, please ask one of your other selves who might have already read it and can answer. Would love to read their thoughts, though, I guess, being from parallel reality, the story might be better written than the one in this one, so the review may not count. 😛